Attendees: Erika, Maggie, Mary, Mina, Kate
Fence Moving:
- Stay within the property line
- Allow access for people outside the dog park without forcing them off parks property.
- 5/18- Maggie - wood chips, cleanup
- 6/8- Kate - more of the same
- 8/10 - Mary - DogFest
- Discussion of where the wheelchair access trail (ie, no woodchips) will be.
- Suggestion of crushed gravel pathways - winding, wide enough for wheelchair.
- Use railroad tie materials to create raised (buried) topography
- bring plastic bags.
- scoop the poop.
- water barrel
- No longer sending t-shirt with donation a donation. Will indicate that the donor can pick up their free t-shirt at DogFest.
- Stickers?
- Site
- Mary to do site walk with Erika to establish fencing needs, vehicle access, and event layout. Planned for 4/27 @ 4 pm.
- Volunteer
- Looking for volunteers for site prep and event day support.
- Mina will contact high schools
- Lynn from Rotary
- Materials
- posters - Mary & Maggie can ask for help from
- Reusable signs - proposed printing by FastSigns
- Money - charge for hot dogs - $1, have Rotary handle money and issue tickets? Or stick with donation jar?
- Postering -
- Will divvy up list of areas
- M.C. - Mary will ask Jamie again
- Trainer - same as last year
- Breed-specific legislation is not being pursued following complaint of attack at Richmond Beach. ShoreDOG's approach will attempt to create awareness, promote owner engagement while at the park