Saturday, February 25, 2012

2012.02.25- Board meeting

3 PM: Existing Board Members (Erika, Maggie, Kate, Mary, Mina) 
  1. Review new board candidates 
  2. Website maintenance - Kate has had no luck getting Dreamweaver software through TechSoup standard purchase 
    1. Kate will ask Sonja about Dreamweaver 
    2. Maggie will find out if she has access to software 
    3. Can purchase Adobe Creative Suite (includes Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Acrobat, etc) from TechSoup for $136 
  3. Schedule for Work Parties 
    1. Combination cleanup day, 3/24 
      1. 10-11: Richmond Beach cleanup in March (after 3/15 closure) , 12 - 2: Shoreview 
      2. Erika contact Tony directly (but copy Maureen) to remind him that we need wood chips 
      3. Mary will talk to Maureen about printing & laminating new signs for 'Toy Box' and 'Freebies' 
    2. Pick 5 days a year at Shoreview… schedule in advance and stick to it.  Hope that we can get a routine down. 
      1. March 24th 
      2. May? 
      3. July? 
      4. September? 
      5. One more? 
    3. Two Richmond Beach cleanups: 
      1. Before Christmas ships 
      2. After closure (sync with Shoreview party) 
  4. Dogfest 
    1. Change in City of Shoreline government is committed to  supporting a larger event 
      1. Portable stage, PA system 
      2. Publicity: postings, City publications 
      3. Host a national event (maybe in future, might be too much for this year) 
      4. Partner with Rotary? Lynn has lots of  
      5. Fitness element - organized walk (eg, 5k?)  Setup, permitting, water stations, etc.  Support Healthy Shoreline goals 
      6. Rotary: Americanine Idol.  Contests, showmanship, etc. 
      7. If not in Shoreview park, will need to secure the area for off-leash dogs 
      8. Hamlin Park benefits: running water, rest rooms, etc. 
      9. Change to City ordinances… will require vendor fee… minimum approx $20.  Might be able to negotiate with City.  Perhaps can be waived for non-profit groups. 

Arrival of Potential New Board Members (4 pm) 
  1. Potential New Board Members 
    1. Introductions 
      1. Ben & Dawn Ford - run their own dog walking service.  North City area.  Dawn is serving on the East Side dog park area.   
      2. Steve Goodman - Stone & 192nd.   Shepherd/husky mix Manda.  Degree in Communications (UW), writing, works in engineering dept… design, property layout, etc. 
      3. Lisa Kertson - business analyst background, Einsten = 8 yr old pup 
    2. Interests and Commitment Levels 
      1. Board term: 3 years 
      2. Would stagger terms so that not everyone's term is up at the same time 
      3. Erika suggests an amendment our bylaws to allow an interim appointment less than the 3-yr commitment.  Mina moves.  Maggie seconds.  All in favor. 
      4. Erika suggests an amendment for a resolution to add three 3-yr term positions, and one interim position for a less-than three year term.  Mina moves.  Maggie seconds.  All in favor. 
  2. Treasurer's Report 
    1. Over $1500 in the checking account (estimate from Maggie) 
    2. Kate needs to send renewal notices 
  3. East-Side Off-Leash Area Report: Erika, Maggie, Dawn 
    1. Final decision pending Parks Board 
    2. Recommendation potentially being made on March 22nd at 7pm in City Council chambers 
    3. Narrowed down to: 
      1. Fircrest: 150th & 20th.  Requires an agreement with State of Washington… long-term lease.  Joint-use agreement structure between City & State.  Several acres.  Fully fenced. 
      2. Small-dog Only Area: James Keough.  Not available right now… being used for staging of construction of Metro bus barn.  Slated to finish in 2012.  Want to start using prior to master planning process.  Would be compatible with a community garden area which is being proposed.  Weight limit ~20 lbs. 
      3. AldercrestCedarbrook as backup plans 
    1. 3/22: Tentative: 7 pm: East Side OLA proposal at City Council 
    2. 3/24: Work party 
    3. 4/14: 2 pm @ Erika's House: Board Meeting.  Will bring snacks to share so Erika & Amy don't have to do it all.   
    4. FYI: 7/28: SolarFest 
    5. 8/11: DogFest proposed date 
    6. FYI: 8/18: Celebrate Shoreline 
  4. Responsibilities 
    1. Steve will work with Erika & Tony to get fence moved. 
    2. Shoreview site aerial photo & parcel lines was generated from 
    3. Kate will send Steve the appraisal map info 
  5. Updated Contact Info 

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